Chronology of Francisco
Pizarro's Children
The single greatest challenge for the
genealogists of the Pizarro family of Loja,
Ecuador, has been the determination of the
identity and relationships of a man named Juan
Pizarro who was born in 1540 and lived in Loja
between 1561 and 1581 at least. We know
who his descendants were. The line of his
descendants leading to the juncture with the
Seminario family is shown in our Pizarro family tree.
But, who were his parents? Where was he
born? Who was his wife and who were her
parents? Where did their parents come
from? These are the questions that we have
been unable to answer. Until we do, the
Pizarros of Loja will be unable to claim the
rich heritage and ancestry of the Spanish
Some of the descendants of Juan Pizarro are
sure that he was Juan Pizarro Yupanqui, the son
of Francisco Pizarro and his Inca partner
Cuxirimay Occlo Yupanqui, better known in
history by the name given to her by the
Spaniards: Angelina. The family
histories of Juan Pizarro's descendants
say this is so. But the historical
evidence available to date supports the theory
that Juan Pizarro Yupanqui died in infancy, most
likely prior to age 4. We presented the
available evidence in our report on the
Pizarro and Yupanqui families.
Recently, we discovered a document that
proves that Juan Pizarro Yupanqui was still
alive at age 3. It raises the possibility
that the historical documents are wrong and that
Juan Pizarro Yupanqui may have survived his
infancy. The document is a notarized
statement made in Lima, Perú on April 4, 1543 by
Gonzalo Pizarro, brother of the deceased
Francisco Pizarro. The statement appoints
Francisco de Robles as administrator of
Gonzalo's encomienda in Guaylas (Huaylas),
Perú. Gonzalo affirms that he is the
guardian of the children of Francisco Pizarro,
and that they are being sent to live at the
Guaylas encomienda under the care of Francisco
de Robles. Francisco Pizarro's children
are identified by name and include "Joan
In addition to this document, we have
discovered several other contemporaneous
documents that refer to the minor children of
Francisco Pizarro. Some identify the
children by name, but most mention the children
collectively, creating a lack of clarity
regarding which children were included in the
events recorded. We have collected and
reviewed these documents to try to answer the
question: What happened to the children of
Francisco Pizarro?
In trying to answer this question, we have
decided to present the available evidence in
chronological form, child by child, to get a
sense of where they were and what happened to
them in the years following the assassination of
Francisco Pizarro on June 26, 1541.
The children of Francisco Pizarro, conqueror of
Perú, were:
- Francisca Pizarro Yupanqui (Fa), born 1534,
daughter of Pizarro and Quispe Sisa (Inés
Huaylas) Yupanqui
- Gonzalo Pizarro Yupanqui (G), born 1535, son
of Pizarro and Quispe Sisa (Inés Huaylas)
- Francisco Pizarro Yupanqui (Fo), born 1539,
son of Pizarro and Cuxirimay (Angelina)
- Juan Pizarro Yupanqui (J), born 1540, son of
Pizarro and Cuxirimay (Angelina) Yupanqui
To complicate matters, the members of the Pizarro
family, smart and energetic as they were, had a
singular lack of imagination when naming their
children. It seems that every generation had
at least one Francisco, one Gonzalo, and one
Juan. You have to be careful not to confuse
For example, Francisco Pizarro, conqueror of Perú,
was also identified in historical records as the
Marquess or the Governor. He was the first
Governor of New Castile. He was never
Viceroy of Perú, even though some online trees
identify him as such. His brothers who came
to the New World and also were conquistadors were
named Hernando, Gonzalo and Juan Pizarro, and
Francisco Martín de Alcántara. So the same
names are found among the children and the
brothers of Francisco Pizarro the conquistador.
Notes and References
Lima, Perú
Pizarro removes his
children from their mother Inés Huaylas
when she marries Ampuero.
They are placed in the
custody of half brother Martín de
Alcántara and his wife Inés Muñoz to be
raised in the Spanish culture.
Oct. 12, 1537
Monzón, Sp.
Francisca and Gonzalo are
legitimated by royal decree.
of royal decree from PARES
Jun 26, 1541
Lima, Perú
Pizarro and Alcántara are
killed by an Almagrista group led by Juan
de Rada.
All four children, along
with Angelina, are in Pizarro's house when he was
July 12, 1541
Lima, Perú
Inés Muñoz flees Lima by
boat with the three oldest children.
After much suffering, Ines
Muñoz takes them to Trujillo, Perú.
Late in 1541
Lima, Perú
Pizarro's will is
opened. All four children are
of the will
Sept 11, 1542
Trujillo, Perú
The three oldest children
are safe in Trujillo.
from Vaca de Castro to Gonzalo Pizarro.
Nov. 24, 1542
Lima, Perú
Vaca de Castro brings the
children from Trujillo to Lima.
from Vaca de Castro to Emperor Don Carlos.
Apr 10, 1543
Gonzalo Pizarro becomes the
children's guardian.
He sends all four children
to live in Huaylas, Perú. Notarized
statement of Gonzalo
Dec. 2, 1544
Mota, Spain
Hernando describes his pity
for the mistreatment of the children.
from Hernando Pizarro to Gonzalo Pizarro.
Huaylas, Perú
Gonzalo Pizarro Yupanqui
dies from disease at age 11.
from Gonzalo Pizarro to Hernando Pizarro
notifying him of the child's death.
Sep. 25, 1548
Pedro de la Gasca says that
only two children survive.
La Gasca awaits the King's decision
on what to do with the children.
Mar. 11, 1550
Valladolid, Sp.
The king decides Francisca
and Francisco should leave Perú.
The royal decree
of March 11, 1550 orders that they be
brought to Spain.
Mar. 12, 1551
Lima, Perú
Francisca makes her will.
She provides for
Francisco and several cousins and
relatives but does not mention Juan.
Mar. 15, 1551
Callao, Perú
Francisca and Francisco
leave for Spain.
La Mota Castle, Spain
Francisca marries her uncle
Hernando, who is imprisoned in La Mota
Francisca lives in the
Castle for nine years, then moves to
Trujillo, Spain with Hernando.
Francisco lives in the Castle for four
Azángaro, Perú
Writing in 1557, Juan de
Betanzos says that Juan Pizarro Yupanqui
had died.
As the husband of
Cuxirimay/Angelina, he had contemporaneous
access to the best source
of information about Juan.
Mar. 31, 1557
La Mota Castle, Spain
Francisco dies, less than a
year after marrying his cousin Inés.
Inés Pizarro Inquill, the
daughter of Gonzalo Pizarro, was also sent
to Spain by royal decree and also lived in
the Castle. Details
Nov. 30, 1581
Trujillo, Spain
Hernando dies in 1578 and
Francisca remarries.
She marries
Pedro Arias Portocarrero, son of the Count
of Puñonrostro.
May 30, 1598
Trujillo, Spain
Francisca dies.
The evidence we have collected in our
chronological study does not resolve the
question of whether Juan Pizarro Yupanqui
survived until adulthood. But it does give
us some more clues as to where we may find the
Evidence and arguments against survival
- The 1557 statement of Betanzos, which is
contemporaneous and based on the knowledge of
Juan's mother.
- The 1544 letter of Hernando Pizarro.
The statement "the one who died" seems to
refer to Juan.
- Juan was not sent to Spain per the royal
decree, probably because he was already dead.
- His half-sister Francisca does not mention
him in her 1551 will, probably because he was
already dead.
Evidence and arguments for survival
- Betanzos' statement is not specific.
He does not say when, where or how Juan
died. If his source was so good, he
should have have had this information.
- No one witnessed Juan's death. No one
other than Betanzos identified him by name as
having died. No one else was able to say
when, where and how he died.
- In the 1544 letter, Hernando had just
mentioned the deceased Francisco
Pizarro. Perhaps his statement
about the one who died refers to
Francisco Pizarro, as in "it's a good thing
their father is not alive to see how his
children are treated". One problem is
that we do not have the original letter, just
a quotation translated into English. It
would help to know the actual words in Spanish
that Hernando used, and whether he said
anything else about the matter.
- It is clear from the evidence that both
Governor Vaca de Castro and President de la
Gasca thought that Pizarro only had three
children. They were not aware of Juan
and could not send him to Spain if they did
not know he existed. Even the historians
and the biographers of Pizarro believed he had
only three children until the 1987 discovery
of Betanzos' full manuscript. Historian
Raúl Porras Barrenechea, writing in 1936, knew
about Juan only because he had researched the
documents associated with the 1541 opening of
Pizarro's will. He came closest to the
truth when he said that Juan probably died
very young because no one had spoken of him
until now. The fact is that Pizarro's
contemporaries lost track of Juan. He
dropped off their radar. Maybe he died,
but maybe he didn't.
- The evidence shows that these were violent
times and that those who feared for the lives
of Pizarro's children had good reason.
The evidence shows that, after Pizarro's 1541
assassination, Angelina's child Francisco was
in the custody of Inés Muñoz, but her baby son
Juan remained under her control until around
April of 1543 when Gonzalo Pizarro became
Juan's guardian and sent him to Huaylas.
Perhaps Gonzalo and the two mothers of
Francisco's children got together and figured
out that Huaylas was a good place to hide the
children while they remained in danger.
Quispe Sisa/Inés Huaylas had been the "coya"
or queen of Huaylas before her marriage to
Francisciso. The Indians in that area
may well have remained loyal to her and her
family and agreed to help hide the children.
- Francisca may not have mentioned Juan in her
will so that she did not disclose his
existence. Perhaps she knew that he was
still alive, living in Huaylas, and intending
to avoid being sent to Spain.
- Ecuadorian researcher Oswaldo Paez Barrera
found evidence
of a Juan Pizarro who was born in 1540 and
lived in Loja, Ecuador from 1561 to
1581. We have compared his evidence to
several other Juan Pizarros who lived in Peru
at the time, and the information we know about
the Juan Pizarro of Loja does not fit any of
them. It does fit the information we
know about Juan Pizarro Yupanqui. So
there is at least a possibility that the Juan
Pizarro of Loja and Juan Pizarro Yupanqui were
the same person.
Update September 2017 - Found Original of
Hernando Pizarro's 1544 Letter
My contact with the Huntington Library was
successful. They found Hernando
Pizarro's original letter of December 2,
1544. To ensure that we were able to read
the letter clearly and in its entirety, I hired
paleographic experts to prepare a transcription using
Modern Spanish spelling. Those of you who
speak Spanish can judge Hernando's words for
yourselves, but in essence, the translation made
by the Huntington Library was correct. It
is very clear in Spanish that Hernando was
speaking of Francisco Pizarro's children.
When he speaks of the "one who died", it is
clear that he could only be referring to Juan,
since Gonzalo didn't die until 1546.
The letter does swing the weight of the
evidence against survival. However, it is
not conclusive. Juan's mother Cuxirimay,
or some other relative, may have falsified
Juan's death to protect him, and lied to
Gonzalo, who misinformed Hernando. Or
Gonzalo could have been in on the plot to hide
Juan, and deliberately mislead Hernando.
Conclusive evidence would be that Juan died on
such a date and in such a place, and from such a
cause. Perhaps it does not exist.
What remains to be done
What we need is proof that Juan Pizarro Yupanqui
was alive at some time after 1543. I have
looked for such evidence, as have other
researchers, and we have not found it. I
plan to continue searching, either for proof that
Juan Pizarro Yupanqui lived, or if not, for proof
of the identity and ancestry of the Juan Pizarro
of Loja. Some potential sources of such
evidence are:
- Records from Huaylas, Peru from 1543 to
1561, including Cabildo and property
- Additional records from Loja, Ecuador from
1550 to 1600 that identify Juan Pizarro as
Juan Pizarro Yupanqui or Juan Pizarro the son
of Francisco Pizarro.
- The Diary of Inés Muñoz. I have seen
this diary mentioned in several online
sources. Inés Muñoz evidently kept a
diary from near the time she arrived in Peru
in 1530 until near her death in 1594.
Yet I have been unable to find this document
either in print or in digitized form.
The online sources, for example,
do not contain her words exclusively but
instead seem to be a combination of quotes
from her and comments or entries written by
other people. If her original
diary exists someplace, it may contain some
mention of the events surrounding the
protection and care of Pizarro's children,
with which she and her husbands were deeply
involved for several years. However,
Maria Rostworowski, who is the most careful
and conscientious of researchers, never quotes
from this source even though they cover many
of the same events. So I'm not sure
whether the diary is a newly discovered
document or a fictional product. (Update
September 2017: We have researched this
issue further, and made contact with the
author of the article cited above. The
Diary of Inez Muñoz seems to be fictional.)
In addition, some of the tasks mentioned in our Pizarro and Yupanqui
report may help resolve the issue, such as
the possible statement of Isabel Pizarro de la
Rua, the affidavits of the Valdiviesos, and church
records from Loja and the ancient province of
Calvas that might give us more information about
Juan Pizarro or his wife María de la Rúa.
I plan to continue searching for these records,
though some years may pass before I am able to
make research trips to Loja, Gonzanamá and
Huaylas. If any reader is able to find any of
these records, we will greatly appreciate your
sharing them with us.
Bob Bordier,
Written: February 22, 2017
Updated: September 4, 2017