Status of the research:
Coat of Arms
The Four Italians
The online trees of the Seminario family reach
back to Julio Cesáreo Seminario y Gonzaga (JCS),
the first known Seminario, who may have been
related to four distinguished families of the
Italian nobility: the Gonzagas, Colonnas,
Leccas and Medici. Taken together, we call
these noble families the The Four Italians.
Someday it may be better to organize our research
into four separate projects. But for now,
The Four Italians are worth studying together.
The Gonzagas were the Dukes and Princes of Mantua
for centuries. The Colonnas include a number
of dukes, princes, cardinals and even Pope Martin
V. The Lecca family (also spelled Leca)
descends from the Greek emperors of
Byzantium. The Medicis - well, they're just
Up to now, we have found no proof of JCS's
exact ancestry. The existing evidence
indicates that the best possibilities of
relationship are with the Gonzagas and Colonnas.
It is a matter of historical record that the
Medicis intermarried with the Colonnas and the
Gonzagas. Genealogical and historical
records also show that the Colonnas and Leccas
What we don't know yet is whether the
Seminarios descend from the branches the Medicis
and Leccas joined. But even if it
turns out that the Seminarios are not related to
the Leccas and Medicis, documenting the
connection to the Colonnas and Gonzagas would be
a significant accomplishment.
The problem: The identity and
ancestry of Julio Cesáreo Seminario y Gonzaga
In 2008, when I started researching my wife's
Seminario ancestry and adding early Seminarios
to our family tree, my information came from
other online trees through the matching
process. Here is the consensus of
information from the online Seminario trees:
- Julio Cesáreo Del Seminario y Gonzaga was
born in Mantua (Mantova), Italy in 1600.
- His wife was Graciana Gonzaga, or in some
trees, Graciana Gonzaga Colonna.
- His sons were Gaspar Andrés and
Martín. The wife of Gaspar Andrés was
Angela Gandiño Gonzaga.
If this information were correct, the Gonzaga
connection could be established in three
ways: through JCS's mother, because JCS
was a Seminario Gonzaga, by JCS's wife, since
she was both a Gonzaga and a Colonna, and via
his son's wife, since she was a Gonzaga on her
mother's side.
As I continued my studies, I began to realize
that the majority of this information is wrong
or questionable. Based on newly found
information, I now believe the following to be
- No proof has been found of JCS's birth,
baptism or marriage, so we do not know when he
was born, but by deduction it would appear to
be somewhere between 1570 and 1580. The only
document that confirms JCS's existence is his
will, sworn on the 17th of February, 1647 in
the Hospital of Pamplona, Spain, when he was
near death. In the will, he gives his
name as Julio Cesáreo Seminario y Gonzaga, and
says he was born in Mantua.
- Gaspar and Andrés Seminario Gonzaga were two
different people. They apparently were
brothers, but without their baptismal
certificates or other proof, we cannot be
certain that they were JCS's sons. In
his will, JCS names Gaspar, Andrés and César
Seminario as his heirs, but does not say that
they were his sons.
- Graciana was not married to JCS, but to
Gaspar. Her surname was Gozoaga, not
Gonzaga. There is no evidence that she
was a Colonna. There is also no evidence
of the name of JCS's wife.
- Angela Gandino, not Gandiño, was the wife of
Andrés. There is no evidence that her
second surname was Gonzaga.
- There is no evidence that JCS had a son
named Martín, though Gaspar and Andrés each
had a son with that name, Martín Seminario
Gozoaga and Martín Seminario Gandino, the
latter being the ancestor of all the Peruvian
In later sections, I discuss the evidence that
supports these findings. They make proving
the connection to the Gonzagas and Colonna more
difficult because some lines of inquiry have
been eliminated.
Argote de Molina's Evidence
The strongest evidence of the Seminarios'
nobility via the Four Italians is found in the
book Nobleza de Andaluzia written
by Gonzalo Argote de Molina and published in
Seville in 1588 by Fernando Diaz. ReInk
Books recently offered a new version without
changes from the original. For those who
would like a copy, it is available on the
Spanish website
What follows is the translation of an exact
quotation of the first few lines of Book 2,
Chapter 134, titled "Of the Italian lineages who
populated Andaluzia":
Having covered in the previous chapters
the lineages of Alonso Pecha and Mossen
Enrique Cribel, and the memories of them
that remain in this Kingdom, I will
memorialize together with them the other
lineages of Italy who came to live in Spain
and enjoyed its nobility, as I covered those
from France in Chapter 85, and those from
Genoa in Chapter 121 of this second
book. Leaving aside the lineages of
Tresancos, Mariño, Ambia, Beltran de Nendo
and Andrada, who originated with the five
Knights who came from Rome to Spain with
Count Mendo, and resided in the Kingdom of
Galicia, as I wrote in Chapter 102 of the
first book.
All historians ancient and modern agree
with the fame of the greatness and antiquity
of the House of Lecca, which descended from
the legitimate Emperors of Constantinople,
from which are derived on the Isle and
Kingdom of Corsica the Lords of Istria, la
Roca, Ornano and Bocio, and the Houses of
Bláca, de Costa, de San Antolín and Madre,
which are its most noble families.
Clarified, in addition, is the House of
Seminario from the most illustrious House of
Colona, whose greatness is known in all
Europe, not having been a history in almost
seven hundred years about it that does not
refer to memories of famous Popes,
Cardinals, Princes and Captains who came
from it. Among which were that great Count
Hugo Colona, who by his valor became Lord of
Corsica, from whom proceeded Count Iuan
Pablo de Lecca, successor in the same state.
Please click to see a scan of
the pages that discuss (in Spanish) the
Seminario, Colonna and Lecca families.
The weakness of this evidence, in addition to
the lack of specific lineage information, is
that there is no evidence that JCS was a member
of the Seminario family of Andalucia. It
is true the Seminario surname was rare in
Spain. But this fact does not allow the
presumption that JCS was a relative of the
Andalucia Seminarios, because by JCS's account
in his will, he was born in Mantua and his
parents' home was in Mantua.
When I searched and other
church records for all the Seminarios who lived
in Spain between 1400 and 1650, the only names
that appeared were JCS's sons and grandchildren,
with the exception of a marriage certificate for
Juan Baptista
Seminario, whose name also appears on a list
(in Spanish) of technicians who left Milan in
1596 to form the Royal Armory in Eugui, Navarra.
Previous Research: Isabel Ramos
Isabel Ramos Seminario, known within the family
as "Chabelita", was a talented, tenacious and
careful researcher. In 1991, she published
her study "The Seminarios of Piura" in the
18th edition of the Magazine of the
Instituto Peruano de Investigaciones
Genealógicas (IPIG).
One of the difficulties facing any Seminario
genealogist is that the religious documents of
Piura have not been digitized, and cannot be
found in online sources like Ms. Ramos made a
personal search of the records, and her study
provides exact dates of births, marriages and
death that previously were unavailable for
family members born in Piura.
After doing a considerable amount of research
on my own, I was finally able to obtain a copy
of IPIG 18, and found some support for my
findings in Ms. Ramos' research. She does
not provide a date or place of birth for JCS,
only saying that he was in a group of armorers
that came from Italy to work in the Royal
Armory, which was located first in Eugui,
Navarra, Spain in 1596 and moved to Tolosa in
Her study also shows Gaspar and Andrés as two
separate people, and correctly shows Graciana as
the wife of Gaspar rather than JCS, though she
lists her surname as Gonzaga rather than
Ms. Ramos' study also mentions another early
Seminario, Federico Seminario. According
to genealogists Rómulo Cuneo Vidal and Ricardo
Tizón Bueno, he moved to Spain in 1508 and was
the trunk of the Seminarios of Andalucia. Doña
Isabel does not provide any evidence of
relationship between Federico Seminario and JCS.
Previous Research: Edwin
Seminario Coloma
Another outstanding Seminario historian is
Edwin Emilio Seminario Coloma. He wrote an
excellent article "Origins, ancestry, history
and genealogy of the Seminarios of Piura",
published in Spanish in:
Edwin Seminario also published a two-volume
book titled "Piura y Los Seminario - Historia y
Genealogía" (Piura and the Seminarios - History
and Genealogy), which I have not been able to
find. If anyone knows where I can get a
copy, I'd greatly appreciate an email to
Mr. Seminario Coloma begins his article with a
quote from a study by Arturo Ernesto Seminario
García, who mentioned the book Nobleza de
Andaluzía. What Mr. Seminario
García wrote was not an exact quote, but rather
a summary of the content: that there lived
in Sevilla a Seminario family of Corsican
origin, descendants of the Colonna family.
Edwin Seminario's article also identifies JCS's
will and testament of February 17, 1647: "I
wish my body to be buried under the main altar
of the Church of Santa Maria in Tolosa, a town
in which I've lived lately and to which I've
devoted much love."
Edwin Seminario repeats the information that
JCS was married to Graciana Gonzaga, but
attributes the information to a tree on If I can locate Edwin's
book, I hope that it contains more
documentation, but the attribution implies that
he had no independent evidence of JCS's
Other Researchers
Before moving on to new information, I'd also
like to highlight a passage that appears in
JCS's biographical information in Geneanet trees
of Francisco Javier Carbone Montes and Jose Luis
Boggio. The source of this item is not
"Related to the Italian houses of the Colonnas
and Leccas; moved to Spain in the retinue of the
Viceroy Doña Ana de Aragón, wife of Don
Vespasiano Gonzaga y Colonna, Duke of Sabioneda
and Trayeto, Count of Fundi, and Knight of the
Order of the Golden Fleece, Viceroy of Navarra
and Valencia in the Kingdoms of Spain."
New Information - JCS's identity,
wife, children and grandchildren
I have searched long and hard for a baptismal
record or some other historical record of birth
for JCS, Gaspar and Andrés, because having proof
of their parents' names would be a significant
step toward establishing the connection to the
Four Italians. What I did find on the site
of the Archivo Histórico Diocesano de San
Sebastian,, are the baptismal
certificates from Tolosa for six children of
Gaspar Seminario Gonzaga and Graciana Gozoaga,
and three children of Andrés Seminario Gonzaga
and Angela Gandino. If we can prove that
JCS is the father of Gaspar and Andrés, then
these nine children are JCS's grandchildren.
Here are the links for viewing all nine
documents. Both the online indices of the
record and copies of the original entry are
In reviewing these documents, you will notice
that Angela Gandino's name is consistently
written without the "ñ". Graciana's
surname is written all sorts of ways, Gozoaga,
Gojoaga, even Ujuaga in one case, although some
of this is undoubtedly due to the digitizer's
inability to read the handwriting in the
record. Still, it is clearly not Gonzaga,
because in some of the records, both Andrés and
Gaspar gave their surnames as "Seminario
Gonzaga", and the recorder was able to spell
Gonzaga correctly. The records from the
Royal Armory of Tolosa, discussed in the next
section, confirm Graciana's surname as Gozoaga.
So it is clear that Graciana Gozoaga was
Gaspar's wife, and therefore we do not know who
JCS's wife was. I suppose there could have
been two women named Graciana, Gaspar's wife
named Gozoaga and JCS's wife named Gonzaga, but
that seems unlikely.
One of the most powerful clues that the
Seminarios may descend from the Gonzagas is that
both Gaspar and Andrés gave their surnames as
"Seminario Gonzaga". This could mean that
their mother was a Gonzaga, but probably
not. This custom of "paternal
surname - maternal surname" wasn't yet fully
established at that time. Some people used
all four surnames of their grandparents.
Others would pick the ones they wanted to
use. So it is possible that the connection
between the Seminarios and the Gonzagas happened
some generations before, but the Seminarios kept
using the "Seminario Gonzaga" combination out of
respect for their noble heritage.
Another pair of documents I found on the site are:
I cropped the original documents received from
the Archivo Histórico Diocesano de San Sebastian
so that only the entry relating to an individual
appears in his or her record in our
database. The original documents from San
Sebastian were full page copies of the church
records that contained entries for unrelated
individuals. If you wish to review the
originals, they can be downloaded by clicking here
and here.
None of these records show who the parents of
Gaspar and Andrés were. So JCS remains a
mystery. The estimate by some online trees
of JCS's date of birth as 1600 appears to be too
late. We know Gaspar married
in 1631, so even if he married at 18, he would
have been born in 1613, when JCS was only 13
years old by the online trees' account.
Also, if Isabel Ramos Seminario is right and
JCS came with the Italian armorers from Milan to
establish the Royal Armory in Eugui, Navarre,
that happened in 1596, so he would have to have
been born sometime before that. JCS's name
does not appear on the list of the first 30
Italian armorers who were contracted to come to
Spain, but he could have come later. It is
clear that JCS worked in the Armory, because in
his will he says: "My engraving tool I leave
to Andrés and Gaspar and César Seminario,
which they should share as brothers and in a
friendly way, although I'd like the uchero
(sic) to be for Gaspar who needs it the most,
and the lead lance for Andrés."
The information from the Carbone Montes and
Boggio trees, that JCS came to Spain with
the retinue of Vespasiano Gonzaga and Ana de
Aragon, does not appear to be correct.
The Spanish historian Francisco Amillo Alegre
wrote a detailed account of the life of
Vespasiano Gonzaga. He says that Ana de
Aragon died in July of 1567, before her
husband was named as Viceroy of Navarre in 1571.
Even if JCS came to Spain with Vespasiano
only, he would have to be much older than we
thought. Here are the references:
In trying to obtain further information about
JCS's death, I wrote to the Diocesan Archive of
Pamplona. The records of the Pamplona
Diocese are not digitized, but they are
microfilmed, and to access them you need an
appointment in advance:
When I contacted them by email, the director
was kind enough to tell me that the Pamplona
Hospital had its own unit of the church for
recording births and deaths, but that it did not
start keeping death records until 1668.
She did check the records for the nearby
parishes of San Juan Bautista and San Saturnino,
but JCS's death record could not be located.
I also contacted the Tourism Office of Tolosa
to find out, if JCS was in fact buried in the
church of Santa Maria, whether there might still
be a gravestone or plaque. I thought that
a gravestone might show his year of birth.
I received a very kind response from the the
Office of the Municipal Archives, saying that
because the church had been remodeled several
times since 1647, there was little chance of
finding any markers for JCS. They did
mention that it cost extra to be buried inside
the church, with the position determining the
fee. So if JCS could command a position
under the main altar, he must have been a man of
some means.
The Church of Santa
Maria, Tolosa, Spain
New Information - The Royal Armory of Tolosa
In her article in IPIG 18, page 214, Isabel
Seminario Ramos mentions an inventory made in
1645 at the Royal Armory of Tolosa that shows
Gaspar Seminario Gonzaga. In searching for
this inventory, I encountered an article about
the Royal Armory written by Ignacio Carrión
Arregui, Professor of History at the Universidad
del País Vasco in San Sebastian, Spain.
The article is in Spanish:
I wrote to Professor Carrión to ask if he had a
copy of the 1645 inventory or a list of the
workers. His reply amazed me.
While he was doing his study, he copied out
large sections of the ancient records into Word
and Excel files. He sent me two
documents: an Excel file that contained a
list of workers, their positions and the pay
they received each year for several years, and a
Word file from the Protocolos de Tolosa of 1645
containing a record of the Armory's financial
transactions. These can both be seen here
along with some notes in his email
message. I have only reproduced the first
page of the Excel file since there was no
additional relevant information on the other
pages, but if you'd like a copy of the entire
file, please send me an email.
These records show both Gaspar and Andrés
Seminario as workers at the Armory. Gaspar
was shown as an "official of engraving" on the
spreadsheet but Professor Carrión noted that he
also served as "mayordomo", evidently a
combination of paymaster and purchasing
agent. JCS is not mentioned as a worker in
any of the years covered by Professor Carrion's
records, but another Seminario, Juan Baptista,
is shown several times. As JCS said in his 1647
will that he had a sickness of the chest and was
of "advanced old age", it is possible that
he retired from the Armory several years before.
Another article in Spanish contains a list
of the 30 Italian artisans who moved from Milan
to Eugui to form the core of the new
Armory. Juan Baptista Seminario is on the
list, but JCS is not. In his cover email,
Professor Carrión told me the same thing.
The Carrión records also show Carlos and Jorge
Gandino among the workers. I suspect
Angela Gandino was a relative of theirs.
Jorge was in the group of the 30 workers from
Milan. I noted that there is a town in
Italy called Gandino about 45 miles NE of
Milan. This may be the origin of the
Gandino surname. None of the available
records provide support for the idea that Angela
was also a Gonzaga.
One effort to locate documents based on the
Royal Armory information proved
unsuccessful. I reasoned that, if Isabel
Ramos Seminario was correct in saying the JCS
came from Italy to work in the Armory, perhaps
the births of Andrés and Gaspar were recorded in
Eugui, Navarra during the period from 1596 to
1630. Also, since Jorge Gandino was in
Eugui during that time, perhaps the birth of
Angela Gandino was recorded there. I wrote
to the Diocesan Archives of Pamplona to ask if
birth and marriage documents were available for
that period, and if they were housed in their
office in Pamplona. The full reply in
Spanish can be seen here.
The short answer is that the documents do not
exist because the church records were burned by
the French in 1794.
New Information - Juan Baptista
The information from Professor Carrión made me
think of the possibility that Gaspar and Andrés
were children of Juan Baptista Seminario instead
of JCS. In earlier research, I had run
surname-only queries for the years from 1400 to
1650 on Family Search, My Heritage, AHEB-BEHA
and Mendezmende. The ideas was to find the
documents of any Seminario living in
Spain. Other than the records for Andres
and Angela, Gaspar and Graciana, and their
children, I found only one other document.
That was a 1597 marriage
certificate for Juan Baptista
Seminario and Leonor Miseroti de Gárzalo.
Juan Baptista was clearly older than Gaspar and
Andrés, and worked with them in the Armory, so
it's likely he was a relative - maybe an
uncle. But he probably was not their
father, because otherwise the surnames of Gaspar
and Andrés might be recorded as Seminario
Miseroti. Even though JCS's will does not
identify Gaspar and Andrés as his sons, he
speaks of them as if they were. The will
supports the finding that Gaspar and Andrés, and
perhaps César, were JCS's sons, though the proof
is not conclusive.
In regard to other Seminarios in Spain, either
Federico Seminario mentioned by Isabel Ramos
Seminario, or the Andalucia branch mentioned by
Argote, I have found no record.
New Information - The Will of JCS
In June 2017, thanks to Alec Pontow Seminario
of Argentina, I received a copy of a
transcription of JCS's will. The
transcription was done by Edwin Seminario Coloma
as part of his book Piura y los Seminario -
Historia y Genealogía.
US copyright laws do not allow me to publish
the entire transcription. They do permit
quotes and brief excerpts. All of the
quotations from the will in this article are Mr.
Seminario Coloma's work.
However, Mr. Seminario Coloma was unable to
transcribe the entire testament. He was
unable to handle several large sections because
of the difficulty of reading the notary's
handwriting. In the course of my studies,
I've been unable to read the original
handwriting of many Spanish documents I've
found. Last year, I found some experts in
paleography, the art of reading ancient
documents. They helped me decipher a
letter written by Hernando Pizarro.
If we can find a copy of the original will, my
experts may be able to produce a complete
transcription, which would give us some clues to
other aspects of JCS's life. In his
transcription, Mr. Seminario Coloma describes
the location of the original as "A.F. de
Navarra, L-4, S, 17, C.14, E.1419 (file number
131487)". The name of the notary was José
Cruz de Murua.
I wrote the Archivo General de Navarra, the
government agency that has custody of the books
of the notaries public of Pamplona for the 17th
century. They answered that they didn't
have José Cruz de Murua's books, so he evidently
was a private notary, perhaps employed by the
Hospital de Pamplona, which at the time belonged
to the Church. I've sent requests to the
Diocesan Archive of Pamplona, and also to the
library of the University of Piura, Peru, which
has some of the Navarra archives for the period
in question. I haven't received a reply
yet, so I'm incorporating Mr. Coloma Seminario's
transcription for now, with the hope of having a
more complete transcription in the future.
The parts of the will that Mr. Seminario Coloma
was able to read give us some interesting clues:
"I must make a perpetual and eternal
recommendation to my wards and successors to
remember the Illustrious and Venerable Don
Vespasiano Gonzaga, Count of Rodrigo, whose
example, goodwill and service have attracted
my entire family, and I ask that he never be
forgotten ...."
History records several Vespasiano Gonzagas,
but the one mentioned by JCS in his will, the
Count of Rodrigo, is the same person who came to
Spain in 1571 as Viceroy of Navarra. He
was a fascinating man, but the testament, or at
least Seminario Coloma's transcription, says
nothing about his being a relative of JCS.
If JCS knew him, it had to be in his youth,
because Vespasiano Gonzaga died in 1591.
Perhaps JCS's parents, or some other Seminario
relatives, accompanied Vespasiano Gonzaga when
he came to Spain.
Two years ago, in the search for a link between
Vespasiano Gonzaga and the Seminario family, I
read in Italian the book Vita di
Vespasiano Gonzaga Duca di Sabbioneta e
Trajetto, Marchese di Ostiano, Conte di
Rodigo, Fondi Etc.,written in 1780
by Ireneo Afflo. It contains a biography
and dozens of Gonzaga's letters. There is not
even one mention of the Seminario family.
"The house in Eugui has not been touched
since we left the town 16 or 17 years ago..."
This supports the conclusions that JCS worked
in the Royal Armory, and that Andrés and Gaspar
may have been born in Eugui, since the move from
Eugui to Tolosa took place in 1630, 17 years
before the date of the will.
"The inheritance that I should have received
from my parents I ceded by my own hand and
will to Felipe Gonzaga in the year 97".
This phrase raises the possibility that JCS
lived in Mantua until 1597, and may explain why
he does not appear on the list of technicians
that left Milan in 1596. To have the legal
right to dispose of his inheritance, he must
have had to be at least 18 years old, which
would mean a year of birth prior to 1580.
The reason for giving up his inheritance may
have been his decision to go to Spain to seek
his fortune. Ceding it to Felipe Gonzaga
may indicate that he was a relative.
Summary of Research Status
Even though the Piura records are not digitized
and not fully available, Isabel Ramos
Seminario's study of the Piura Seminarios
provides a convincing record of the identity of
individual from Manuel Joseph Seminario
Saldivar back to Martín Seminario Gandino.
The records I have found provide convincing
evidence of the existence of Gaspar and Andrés
Seminario Gonzaga. But the identity of
Julio Cesáreo Seminario y Gonzaga, and whether
he in fact was the father of Gaspar and Andrés,
remains a mystery.
Several clues and positive indications exist,
but there are also many questions that still
need to be resolved. Without being able to
connect JCS, Gaspar, Andrés or their wives to a
recognized member of the Gonzaga or Colonna
noble families, the status of the investigation
must remain "Relationship with noble families
appears to exist but has not been established
with certainty."
Pending Questions
(1) Who was Julio Cesáreo Seminario y
Gonzaga? When was he born? Who were
his parents? Who was his wife? Can
we link his parents or his wife's parents to the
Gonzaga or Colonna families? When and why did he
come to Spain? Was he a part of Andalucia
Seminarios that Argote talks about, or was he
involved with the group of armorists from Milan,
or did he come with Vespasiano Gonzaga?
Was he related to Vespasiano?
(2) Who were the parents of Gaspar and
Andrés Seminario Gonzaga?
(3) Where and when was Juan Baptista
Seminario born, and who were his parents?
How was he related to JCS, Gaspar and Andrés?
(4) Can we find any genealogical or
historical records regarding the Seminarios who
lived in Andalucia from 1508 to 1650?
Tasks - If You Want to Help
you live near or plan to visit Seville, Spain
I have not been able to find a source of
digitized church records in Andalucia. I
have tried some searches on PARES, just looking
for any mention of the Seminario or Gonzaga
names, without success. It may be possible
to answer question (4) by visiting the
repositories of church records in
Andalucia. Unfortunately, when records are
not digitized, you often are required to know
the name of the person and their place and date
of birth or baptism. To answer (4), we
need a search of any person with the name of
Seminario born in Andalucia between 1508 and
1650. That may not be possible unless the
churches have an internal computerized index of
their records. However, an inquiry in
person would at least help to find out whether
an answer is possible.
you live near or plan to visit Mantua, Italy
A search of church records of the diocese that
serves the Mantua area for JCS's birth from the
period from 1560 to 1600 is worth doing,
especially if the church has an internal
computerized index of their records.
you can work online
It may be possible to answer some of the above
questions through online sources. I have
tried, but success often depends on your search
method and good fortune. Many times I have
found documents on the second or third
Resources for Researchers
Here are some resources that may be helpful:
A history of Corsica that makes no mention of
the Seminarios but sheds some light as to why
members of the Italian nobility left the island
in the 16th century:
If you would like to obtain a copy of Isabel
Ramos Seminario's full study, a copy of the 18th
edition of the magazine of the Instituto Peruano
de Investigaciones Genealógicas can be obtained
by writing to Sr. Gustavo León y León,
Secretario General at
Back issue of editions 13 and 18 are available
as of my last contact with Mr. León on
4/25/16. Issue 13 also contains a small
study on the Seminarios of Piura. Back
issues cost $20 per copy, plus shipping and bank
transfer fees. The total charge for
magazines and delivery to the US was about $150
for the two issues, so if a relative can pick up
the back issues at the IPIG office in Lima, the
cost will be more reasonable.
Bob Bordier,
Written: May 15, 2016 - Last
update: September 3, 2017